Saturday, January 9, 2010


As Featured On EzineArticles

I pledge to Nigeria my country
To be faithful, loyal & honest
To serve Nigeria with all my heart
To defend her unity
And uphold her honour & glory
So help me God

My beloved pals,

It’s no longer news that the reputation / image of our dear country Nigeria has been dragged to the mud. Now, our Senate, House of Representatives, Top Government Officials and the So – called Elites are now very busy trying to take measures to redeem our image. Thanks anyway, but I honestly think that if the leaders have done their jobs as at when due, all this would not have come up, but there is really nothing we can do, so you guys can carry on the fight.

A friend asked me a question and it goes- Why are the top guys and government Elites really trying to redeem the image of the Nation, why is it not the masses that are crying to redeem our image? And he equally answered the question, here we go- He said those in power are actually trying to redeem their own image (and not that of the Nation as a whole) so they could perpetuate more evil, carry out more money laundering, acquire more properties over there, and also reap the rewards here in Nigeria by setting up irrelevant committees to resolve what we all know can and will never be resolved.

Wait a minute, I thought we are undergoing a reformation / REBRANDING process. Everyday, we hear Jingles on the Electronic media and even read on the Print media that : NIGERIA- Good People, Great Nation. Is that what we are actually living daily? Or is this what we mean by being a Good people and a Great nation? If our lives and image / reputation as a country is reflecting that saying, then I guess, one will not want to be a part of that process because we don’t even have the slightest idea of what a Good people and a Great nation really are. Who knows, maybe we should have said it was: Bad people, Controversial nation.

How can we really say we are on track when all we hear from the government officials is a whole lot of lies. How much progress have we made in the line of the 7 point agenda, not to talk of the 2010 power project or even the 2015 MDGs? Could you believe a friend called all this cock and bull stories and in fact super stories and I begin to wonder if the Nigerian government are actually acting a home movie being broadcasted live and viewed by the whole world.

At the moment, a country that says it’s good and great does not even know the whereabouts of her Leader. But the senate and the press keep bringing news- who knows whether true or false? Is this what it means to be a good people and a great nation? I will say a big NO.

What is actually happening? Where are we heading to? Has God left us to our own fate? Or maybe God was never in control from the beginning? Somebody said “How could you say that and infact God Forbid. God is with us.” Then what is the problem? Probably we don’t want to listen to God and do what is right.

I honestly think if things are done rightly, if things be as they ought to be and if the leaders come to the awareness that the country does not belong to them neither is it their farmland, then we can begin to make progress.

Remember- Nigeria will only be built by Nigerians. A foreigner can not build our nation for us. We’ve got to come to this awareness that Nigeria will become a better place to live in only if Nigerians can work on themselves a little bit.

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