Monday, June 28, 2010

Depreciating state of Hank Anuku

His entry into the movie scene was described as a fresh breath of fresh air at a time when most close watchers in the movie industry were miffed by the trend of recycled faces in the industry.
Years later, movie buffs, fans and close watchers were becoming concerned about the state of the actor, Hank Anuku, whose physical state was becoming a source of worry.
The actor was spotted recently at an open bar in Asaba – dead drunk, mumbling incoherent words and clutching a bottle of bear. The actot is now a shadow of himself with his wizened structure doing him a whole lot of disservice.
A concerned onlooker almost mistook him for Majek Fashek considering his state, while shaking his head at the sight of the actor who seems to get worse by the year. Many also wondered what his mission was at that spot at the time his colleagues were busy at movie locations in other parts of Asaba, Lagos and Enugu

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